
Body-Mind- Wisdom on the Go

Elena Orth-Bendyminds-Yoga

This is where it all unites.

Being the bridge between body and mind, Yoga represents the ultimate container for transformation. Here is where we build our safe space, where we move stuck energies, and where we stretch our comfort zones.

Let’s roll out our mats together!

Move it.

Find me here for weekly group classes:

Tuesdays I 10 - 11:15 am


@ Dawn Collective Shala I Arrifana I Portugal

Class Fee: Sliding scale 12€ / 15€ / 18€

  • A fluid Vinyasa class, made for exploration and fun on the mat.

    Based on the Vinyasa principle of breath-movement synchronisation and smooth transitions, we use this class to consecutively open and strengthen the body, explore our range of motion and become un-stuck in tight areas.

    Expect intentionally sequenced sessions themed around changing topics, and detailed cues for every move, so that you can switch off the mind and dive into your body.

    Creative and inspiring. Open to all levels!

Private Sessions

Personal 1:1 sessions with me are ideal for you if you:

  • want to get professional guidance on specific postures, individual movement patterns and working with injuries

  • want to learn how to use Yoga practice to work deeper on a personal topic, support life transformation or regulate stress levels

  • prefer a calm class with full attention on your practice and a personalized sequence for your specific needs

  • want to be flexible with the time and space of your practice

Investment: 70€ I 75min I Single Session // 250€ I 4x 75min I Package

for private group sessions, retreats and corporate Yoga, please send me a message with your needs so I can craft a unique offer for you:

Questions? Ideas? Feedback?

I’d love to chat further. Drop me a message and I will get back to you within about 1-3 days.